Friday, July 8, 2011


Your life and the Titanic
Are partners in their fate.
One’s end is still unknown
The other we know the date.

You were made by God
The Titanic was made by man.
The Titanic has met its end
But for you God has a plan.

They boasted about Titanic
That it was ridiculous to think
That even Mighty God
Could cause this ship to sink.

Sailing smooth and peaceful
All were secure without a care
No one knew before hand
Of the ice burg waiting there.

The night was dark and water so calm
It looked just like a mirror
But with no waves to sound alarm
They unknowingly drew nearer.

When they finally saw the ice burg
They had no time to think
They tried everything to miss it
But as it struck, she began to sink.

The captain ignored several warnings
Through either overconfidence or distraction.
It was his total lack of wisdom
That lead to the deadly chain reaction.

Are you listening for God’s warnings
Or are they easy to ignore?
Do you have a plan for your salvation
Before you reach death’s door?

Pride goes before destruction,
a haughty spirit before a fall.
You may be sailing on smooth waters
But you’re headed for a squall.

Just like the builders of Titanic
You dismiss God’s mighty power.
Filled with arrogance and pride
You will be the Devil’s to devour.

Or maybe your religion
Will be your saving grace
You sit in church every Sunday
But do you ever see God’s face?

It’s easy to hear God’s word
And believe what is convenient.
You know God wants you to prosper
And his judgment is surely lenient.

No matter whether you shun God’s Word
Or in his Word you are selective
Disaster is waiting up ahead
When you ignore God’s directive.

Is your ice burg up ahead?
Can you survive the collision?
Will you be drowning in panic
Or be saved by God’s provision?

No one who denies the Son has the Father
Is what God’s Word plainly states.
Without Jesus as your lifeboat
An eternity without God awaits.

God has sent his lifeboat
To save us from destruction.
Through Jesus we are saved
So look to God’s Word for instruction.

The Titanic now is gone
But your life is still afloat
Will your end take you by surprise
Or will you be in God’s lifeboat?

When God’s word controls your life
There’s no need to panic.
With Jesus as your lifeboat
You will be a survivor of life’s Titanic.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
Started: June 3, 2011
Finished: June 8, 2011
 (Inspired by Adrian Rogers)

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