Friday, July 8, 2011



Life is a road for each of us
Leading to parts unknown.
Some make the journey with others
While some make it alone.

From shortly after the time we’re born
We start learning wrong from right.
We learn when we should walk away
And when we should stand and fight.

We learn about the love of God
And we learn the things of man.
We start to discover love and faith
and struggle the best we can.

All the things that we learn
Become the values we hold.
Some of us become timid
While others of us bold.

The values we develop
Become our light that guides.
And the choices that we make
Ultimately shape our lives.

God has granted to all of us
The right to choose our way.
And the sum total of our decisions
Will define our judgment day.

Just as life is a road
Each choice becomes a fork.
The results can leave us on solid ground
Or bobbing like a cork.

When driving down a road
And finding you are lost
You can retrace your path
And time is the only cost.

With life there is no turning back
Once you have made the turn.
No matter what the lesson is
Did you take the time to learn?

Do you remember the first time
Your life was shaped by choice?
It didn’t seem big at the time
You just heard your inner voice.

Looking back upon that choice
Do you wonder where you’d be?
Who’s voice made the choice
For your responsibility?

Did you ever question that voice
About mistakes you’ve made?
Did your decision bring you peace
Or leave you lonely and afraid?

Do you feel unable to carry on
Hopelessly lost and alone?
Has life in the world left you empty?
Are you searching for your home?

Well my friend I have some news
That can change that inner voice.
It is a road map to total joy
That involves a simple choice.

What would you do if I told you
that you are just one turn  away
from finding the road to victory
on that final judgment day?

It doesn’t matter where you traveled
Or even the things you’ve done.
You can count it all to joy
When you choose Jesus as the One.

He becomes the voice to guide you
Through the trouble and despair.
You’ll never be alone again
Because he is always there.

And when you finally find him
And make him your guiding light.
You’ll be on that narrow road
And know the fork that’s right.

But even if you falter
As all us humans do,
He will be there in forgiveness
With his arms holding you.

And when you stand before the Father
There will be no need for shame,
Because all our sins are paid for
By Jesus’ precious name.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)             
February 10, 2011

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