Friday, July 8, 2011


There once was a farmer
Who so loved the Lord
That he prayed and he prayed
For his just reward.

First week after week
Then year after year
He patiently watched
For his crops to appear.

He sang praises to God
And he studied God’s Word
Still there were no crops
Had his prayers gone unheard?

He looked up at God
And said what should I do?
I have studied and read
And sang praises to you.

God spoke the answer
To the question he asked
What have you done
To accomplish this task?

The farmer replied
Lord I trusted in you.
I believed for my faith
You would give me my due.

Then God spoke
And gave revelation.
You have to create
For me to Bless your creation.

I have provided your fields
And your seed to sow.
You need to plow and to plant
If you want crops to grow.

It’s true you’ve been faithful
In worship and praise
But faith without works
Is like years without days.

When you are idle
And have no labor to show
The harvest received
Reflects what you sow.

You’re defined as a farmer
By the work of your hand
By sowing the seed
And working the land.

People will know you’re a farmer
They won’t have to guess
When the fruit of your labor
Is what I can to Bless.

Receiving God’s answer
He sowed his field.
As he worked for the Lord
His fruit was revealed.

Each tree is recognized
By it’s own fruit.
Is your life as a Christian
Up for dispute?

If we wait on God
To do everything
Why does he need us?
What good do we bring?

Prepare for God’s work
With study and praise.
Then walk in his love
And we’ll truly amaze.

 When we accept Jesus
And work for the Lord
An Eternity in Heaven
Will be our reward.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
Started: June 23, 2011
Finished: June 25, 2011

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