Friday, July 8, 2011


Everywhere we look today
The superficial thrives
How do the way things look and sound
Truly affect our lives?

The flashy politician
Who knows just what to say.
The criminal sports hero
Who was acquitted yesterday.

Bulimic super models
Who look so thin and gaunt.
Power wielding Billionaires
Who can have anything they want.

Famous movie starts
Who give their face another lift.
Popular sex symbols
With personal lives adrift.

This list of  worldly heroes
Goes on and never quits.
They have the best the world can offer
Yet their lives still give them fits.

With popularity wide as the ocean
And character deep as a puddle.
Their search for true happiness
Continues to confound and befuddle.

When fame and worldly treasure
Become your life long goal,
Is the bounty of your gain
Really worth your soul?

Are all these worldly heroes
What life is all about?
How attractive would they look
If you could turn them inside out?

Do you know the story
Of a man named Dorian Gray?
He decided to sell his soul
So forever young he’d stay.

His portrait is what would age
While he retained his youth.
As he filled his life with sin
Only his portrait revealed the truth.

Finally in a rage
He stabs the portrait with a knife
But the knife enters his heart and
His horrid corpse reveals his life.

Ask yourself a question
Are you like Dorian Gray?
He was willing to sell his soul
For what he could have today.

Is your success in this world
The scale you use to measure?
The Lord, God almighty says
Don’t store up earthly treasure.

God tells us to clothe ourselves
With compassion, kindness and humility.
The true worth of our lives
Isn’t ours, but his ability.

For God so loved the world
That he gave his only son
When Jesus died and rose again
 God’s defeat of death was done.

When we keep Jesus in our heart
And his love’s what we’re about.
We will show the world his love
When we wear our inside out.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
Started: June 8, 2011
Finished: June 11, 2011
In Round Top

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