Friday, July 8, 2011


Broken ground is a place
Where all of us have been.
Darkness surrounds us and it seems
Our world is caving in.

When life is good and we are safe
We don’t need assistance.
Our good fortune and well being
Will carry us the distance.

I’m so smart, I can’t fail
I studied really hard.
I’m talented beyond compare
There’s much in which I’ve Starred.

Behold the empire that I built
Now I am surly in control.
Hey, I just won the lotto
Look at me, I’m on a roll.

The desires of your heart
Define your scale of measure.
Is your happiness and success
Based on worldly treasure?

When trouble strikes you hard and fast
How are you affected?
You never had a use for God
But now you want to be connected.

The magnitude of each ordeal
Is based on your perception.
As fear creeps in, do you succumb
To the devil’s deception?

Know that God is always there
As you live life day to day.
But were you so busy in your life
He just got in your way?

So busy doing this and that
It’s not what you’d call sin.
But now that tragedy has struck
You want to let God in.

You may have sat in church for years
You saw him every Sunday.
But where was he in your life
When it came to Monday?

What’s the difference between
The casual Christian and the sinner?
One thinks he knows the Lord
And one’s a worldly winner.

As our world of security’s challenged
Like it was on 9/11
We realize we’re not in control
And we raise our hands to Heaven.

Our life becomes broken ground
Into which our security is falling.
This is the time and the place
We are ready to hear God’s calling.

God gave the gift of forgiveness
Through the death of his son Jesus.
He allowed the death of his only son
In order that he could free us.

All he asks us in return
Is to die to our sinful ways.
We are to become a new self in Jesus
And be faithful all our days.

God doesn’t promise us painless lives
We suffer for his glory.
It’s when we are weak that he is great
And God’s victory is our story.

So if you are in a place
Where your future is in doubt
When you have looked everywhere
And there’s no one to help you out.

The time has come to seek out God
And ask for his forgiveness.
Invite Jesus into your heart
And become a Christian witness.

When Jesus becomes your shinning light
Those earthly things won’t matter.
The veil of darkness will be lifted
And worldly demons all will scatter.

A peace will come into your life
And a joy will fill your heart.
So surrender yourself to the Lord.
Right now’s the time to start.

Just speak these words out loud
“Jesus you are My Lord and Savior
In you I am born again
I will change my heart and my behavior.”

Make Him Lord of your life
And devalue earthly pleasure.
When you put him first in your heart
You build up heavenly treasure.

Spread the news, share his word
And through his words you’ve spoken
The lost and lonely can be reached
When their ground is finally broken.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
4/15/11 REVISED

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