Friday, July 8, 2011


When it seems all is going wrong
And things are closing in.
When problems are all you seem to have
And you're reaching your ropes end.

Take some time to realize
That you're sitting on a shelf.
It seems so very lonely there
With just your problems and yourself.

As you sit there lost and alone
You wonder what to do.
In all this time you've never noticed
All those people just like you.

Yes they're surely out there
Trying to survive.
Struggling through life from day to day
But never quite alive.

So open up your eyes                
And hop down off that shelf.
Find someone who needs a friend
And you can help yourself.

A friendly smile a helping hand
A warm and open heart.
These are the things within yourself
That will help you make a start.

Start helping others with their problems
And learn to share your own.
Before you know it you'll be off that shelf
And know you're not alone.

This is just a simple recipe
To help you down life's road.
You'll find the world a much better place
When you learn to share the load.

By William C. Scheel II
       (Bill)       (Shale)

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