Friday, July 8, 2011


We all start out on equal ground
At the moment of our birth.
The knowledge gained as we grow
Will be the measure of our worth.

Knowledge is the information
That we process everyday.
It is an ongoing fact of life
Whether at peace or in the fray.

Knowledge, as we live our lives
Is impossible to avoid.
It fills our minds, it affects our lives
It makes us happy or annoyed.

I see knowledge like a tool
There for each of us to use.
Some use it constructively
While others to abuse.

Like any tool created
It needs a craftsman’s touch.
The finest tool in untrained hands
Won’t deliver near as much.

Wisdom is that craftsman’s hand
That guides our knowledge true.
And as life’s pitfalls come and go
It works to guide us through.

The tool of knowledge is limitless
It’s up to us to fill our box.
Have we stored up quality
Or just filled it with rocks?

In every situation faced
We must choose a knowledge tool.
The choice made can bring success
Or leave us feeling like a fool.

Have you ever been in a situation
Where knowledge led you astray?
You grabbed a rock from you box
And proceeded to bash away.

You may not have even known
Which tool that was in your hand.
You caused hurt to so many
And you still don’t understand.

How can we gain the wisdom
For the use of every tool?
Just like every craftsman
We have to go to school.

There is a source for wisdom
That we can all afford.
All we have to do is seek it
It comes straight from the Lord.

When we let the Lord be our teacher
He will show us the way.
He can give us a craftsman’s hand
And wisdom everyday.

A great place to start
Is to learn the Golden Rule.
Do unto others as you would have
Them do unto you.

Be honorable and upright
Be a source of joy and love.
Speak only what is true
And have faith in God above.

Bring peace into your heart
And put that fear away.
Be selfless in your actions
You can start today.

God gave the greatest gift
That you can ever give.
He gave the life of his son
So that all of us can live.

But for that gift to bless us
Jesus had to make the choice
To walk away and save his life
Or obey his father’s voice.

He chose to die a horrible death
To wash away our sin.
His earthly life he had to loose
For all of us to win.

He asks us to die to sin
So that we can be set free.
We can leave the bondage of the world
And live for eternity.

We need to talk and walk with Him
And make him our best friend.
When you keep him in your life
You will be a winner in the end.

You will acquire the knowledge
To work in other peoples lives.
Knowledge with Godly wisdom
Produces fruit in God that thrives.

As you grow you will become
A craftsman for the Son.
And With Jesus by your side
You can count the battle won.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
February 20, 2011

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