Sunday, July 10, 2011


From the very beginning
When Eve ate the apple.
Sin became the struggle
With which we all must grapple.

Now estranged from God
Through this trap called sin.
God devised a plan
To correct this mess we’re in.

When God spoke to the serpent
His plan he did reveal
“He will crush your head
And you will strike his heel.”

The Word of God tells us
That “he” is God’s son Jesus.
God sent his Son to die
So his innocent death could free us.

Satan tried and tried
To defeat God’s perfect plan.
He struck at Jesus’ heel
To retain his victory over man.

But Jesus in perfect wisdom
Never went astray.
He crushed Satan’s head,
On his resurrection day.

Even though defeated
Sin is still Satan’s power.
When we become sin’s slave
We’ll be Satan’s to devour.

A monkey trap’s unique
It’s a container filled with bait
It’s got a small opening for access
The monkey’s choice becomes his fate.

When the monkey grabs the bait
His hand becomes enlarged.
And unless he let’s go
He will never be discharged.

Just like a monkey trap
Sin is Satan’s trick.
We can hold on or let go
It’s up to us to pick.

God gave us victory in Jesus
The choice is ours to make.
Do we hold on to our sin
And give victory to the snake?

Or do we let go of the sin
That will surely bring destruction?
As we make Jesus our Lord and Savior
We will turn from sin’s seduction.

We need to read God’s word
And put it in our heart.
As we emulate Christ Jesus
We become God’s work of art.

So if you’re feeling empty
Let Jesus fill the gap.
He’s the only one who can free us
From Satan’s monkey trap.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
July 10, 2011

Proverbs 11:6 

6 The righteousness of the upright delivers them,

but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires.

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