Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We all are faced with the choice
Whether to do right or wrong
We all have times in our lives
When we’re weak or strong

We can reflect upon our past
And see the errors of our ways
We can plan to do what’s right
For the remainder of our days

God gave us free will
It’s up to us to choose
Will the path that we take
Cause us to win or loose?

When we ignore God’s wisdom
On the path that we travel
The wickedness of the world
Can cause our lives to unravel

In the moments that we suffer
For the choices that we made
We remember our wrong decisions
And the reasons that we strayed

We make a promise to ourselves
To change our evil ways
We turn our eyes towards God
And make promises to praise

God if only you will help me
I will change the things I do
Just rescue me from my peril
I know I can count on you

But as soon as we are safe
Our promise seems to fade
We go back to where we were
Secure and unafraid

There’s only one true way to change
The path of our life’s direction
We must devote ourselves to God
And embrace God’s correction

It’s easy to commit to change
We will even give a date
Oh Lord I’ll start tomorrow
I’m sure it’s not too late

There’s a problem with that thinking
Tomorrow never arrives
If we don’t change today
We will never change our lives

Embrace God’s mighty wisdom
Say no to evil things
Claim Jesus as your Savior
Embrace the forgivness that he brings

There is only one time we have
To decide what we won’t allow
It’s not tomorrow or yesterday
We have to start right now

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
November 16, 2011

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