Saturday, November 19, 2011


Trust is a valued trait
It’s something we must earn
To trust, casts out fear
Which is difficult to learn

It’s true trust has it’s risks
But without it we are lost
Fear becomes a way of life
And our peace becomes the cost

Trust can be a treasure
In the peace that it brings
It can also be a curse
When we trust in wrong things

When in God’s Holy Word
We truly place our trust
We are standing on the rock
For He is righteous and just

But when we trust in the world
And selfish motives are our goal
We let down our defenses
And the enemy takes control

In trust there is a peace
That we will achieve
Peace and love are ours
When in God’s Son we believe

“Do not let your hearts be troubled
Trust in God, trust also in me”
Jesus tells us with these words
The way God set us free

Free from doubt and fear
And the loneliness that it brings
Free from the enemy’s clutches
As we cast down selfish things

“I am, the way, the truth and the life”
Jesus did proclaim
“I am the only way to the father”
We can trust in Jesus’ name

As we trust in him
We are filled with love and joy
As we share his precious love
The enemy’s kingdom we’ll destroy

If you’re feeling lost and lonely
And life’s set you adrift
If fear and doubt have gripped you
And you really need a lift.

It doesn’t matter if you’re old
Or in the prime of youth
God’s kingdom can be yours
When you trust in the truth

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
Started: November 14, 2011
Finished: November 19, 2011

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


We all are faced with the choice
Whether to do right or wrong
We all have times in our lives
When we’re weak or strong

We can reflect upon our past
And see the errors of our ways
We can plan to do what’s right
For the remainder of our days

God gave us free will
It’s up to us to choose
Will the path that we take
Cause us to win or loose?

When we ignore God’s wisdom
On the path that we travel
The wickedness of the world
Can cause our lives to unravel

In the moments that we suffer
For the choices that we made
We remember our wrong decisions
And the reasons that we strayed

We make a promise to ourselves
To change our evil ways
We turn our eyes towards God
And make promises to praise

God if only you will help me
I will change the things I do
Just rescue me from my peril
I know I can count on you

But as soon as we are safe
Our promise seems to fade
We go back to where we were
Secure and unafraid

There’s only one true way to change
The path of our life’s direction
We must devote ourselves to God
And embrace God’s correction

It’s easy to commit to change
We will even give a date
Oh Lord I’ll start tomorrow
I’m sure it’s not too late

There’s a problem with that thinking
Tomorrow never arrives
If we don’t change today
We will never change our lives

Embrace God’s mighty wisdom
Say no to evil things
Claim Jesus as your Savior
Embrace the forgivness that he brings

There is only one time we have
To decide what we won’t allow
It’s not tomorrow or yesterday
We have to start right now

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
November 16, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011


Time marches on
We’re just along for the ride.
The length of our trip
Is for God to decide.

It’s not how long we’re aboard
This planet called Earth
It’s how we use our time here
That determines our worth.

God has a plan
For each of our lives
The choices we make
Will be our success or demise.

What is your focus?
How do you live?
Do you love or you hate?
Do you take or you give?
Is your life ruled
By ambition and sin?
Has selfishness created
The mess that you’re in?

Do you wander through life
With no aim or direction?
Do you rebel
When it’s time for correction?

Have you lived your life
To serve the Lord?
Are heavens’ promises
To be your reward?

What if today
Most of your time disappeared
And your years turned to days
Have you persevered?

What would the things
You value and do
Say to the world
And reveal about you?

Would your priorities change
In your time that remained?
Would you search for more
Than just to be entertained?

Would the thought of death
Being so near
All of a sudden
Create doubt and fear?

Where will I be
When my life comes to an end?
Will there be time
To repent and amend?

Is Heaven or hell
To be my fate?
I pray Oh God
That it’s not too late.

Focus on God’s work
Claim Jesus as savior
Change your life
Through your heart and behavior.

There’s only one price
For the debt of your sin.
Alone you loose
With Jesus you win.

Alone before God
Your debt of sin is eternal
The place you will go
Will be infernal.

With Jesus there
Your sin will be covered
Eternity with God
Will be your future discovered.

If all of these questions
Have caused you to think
Realize every moment
We stand on the brink

What if your life stopped
Without time for reflection?
Where would you go
When you faced God’s inspection?

You can change your life
Invite Jesus in it.
Your last stop on earth
Could be any minute.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
November 3, 2011