Monday, October 17, 2011


Everywhere we look today
The philosophy that dwells
Defines our life’s success
By what we attain for ourselves

We are told we can find happiness
By being the best that we can be
Self help and self indulgence
Are the world’s reality

When happiness and wealth
Are how you define success
Where do you turn when life
Takes all that you possess?

When things are going smoothly
It’s easy for us to be our master
But we wonder why we’re alone
When we face disaster

As life takes a turn
And we’re no longer in control
The loneliness and fear
Can really take a toll

God has a different plan
For each and every one
God’s model for our life
Is Jesus, God’s only son.

Jesus’ life teaches us
To always seek God’s will
He took the world’s sin upon himself
And through his death he paid our bill.

What if Jesus had made himself
His first and highest priority?
Our sins would be ours to bear
If he had turned from God’s authority.

But through his shinning example
Of his selfless attitude
He filled the lives that he Blessed
With an eternal gratitude.

Jesus told us all
For he who is least among you shall be great.
But being least is an idea
To which the world just can’t relate.

But when our goals become his
And serving others becomes our mission
The path to peace and happiness
Will be our ultimate transition.

When we become God’s tools
And we get out of God’s way.
It allows his Glory to shine through us
All he asks is that we obey.

When we live for Jesus
And obey God’s Holy Word.
By giving selfless love and sacrifice
Through us God’s voice is heard.

We no longer are lost and alone
God’s presence is always there
And our lives will be rewarded
By his Blessings that we share.

For as we give to others
It’s through others that we receive
It’s really not that hard
All we have to do is believe.

When in God’s eternal plan
Is what we choose to invest
Our selfless love and giving
Is God’s definition of success.

In the world you will never find
True peace and serenity
When all you focus on
Is you own divinity.

To reach God’s eternal Kingdom
We must embrace God’s Holy Son
We must live for others first
And make him number one.

Cast worldly values down
It’s time for a new start.
Eternal Blessings can be yours
When you have a servant’s heart.

By William C. Scheel II
          (Bill)       (Shale)
Started: August 25, 2011
Finished: September 25, 2011

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